Enroll in The Creative Clarity Club Today! 👑

Defeat procrastination, accomplish your goals in life and business while prioritizing your mental well-being.


As a creative entrepreneur, it's challenging to know where to begin. 

After working with over 5,000 creatives worldwide, I realized it's a common struggle.

Can you relate?

  • Drowning in pressure and are scattered.
  • Lack clarity on your creative talents or desires
  • Self-sabotage success
  • Paralyzed by a fear of failure or of sharing work
  • Burned out and not meeting deadlines

You should feel energized, and confident about where to start in you goals, creativity, or business. 

Build a business and a life that coexists with stress and reduces burnout by crafting systems with mental health in mind.

Join the Creative Clarity Club with creative business coach Sarah Edwards and learn the 12 steps to creating a foundation for entrepreneurial success.

You'll have access to a content library that's constantly being added to, from business basics to mental health.You can join regular support group meetings and flourish alongside a private community of like-minded women.

After experiencing uncertainty, physical disabilities, and mental health struggles, I want to assist those who aim to improve their mental wellness, overcome procrastination and stress, and achieve their creative, business or personal goals.

If you’re struggling to be consistent with productivity, launch your business, or grow your creative work...Get excited!

Welcome To 
The Creative Clarity Club


The Creative Clarity Club is a platform designed to help female creative entrepreneurs with mental health limitations realize their artistic dreams, learn all about business, relationships, creativity, money-making, and building their ideal lives through a proven 12 step system resulting from 2 years of successful coaching of over 5000 creatives worldwide.

“Working with Sarah has...legitimately saved my life."

Beth Clarity Club Member & Creative Catalyst Academy Client

Enroll Now!

12 Steps To Turn Your Limitations Into Your Artistic Dreams

Introducing The Clarity Path


1. Reframing Your Identity as a Creative

  • Become equipped for hopeless situations - real success lies in knowing what you want to achieve and moving forward no matter what.
  • Learn to use my tools to become decisive and define who you want to become as a person/artist.
  • I will teach you how to properly go through the grieving process to avoid unnecessary suffering that is often linked with it.

2. Your Motivational Matrix

  • Discover why motivation is nonsense and how to overcome
    procrastination through a non-random systematic approach.
  • Learn how to design your future to overcome the daily pain you’re facing first, and then, as a side effect, your daily routine will be appropriately set to achieve your artistic/business goals.

3. Battling Negativity & Doubt

  • How to get out of the vicious cycle of self-doubt by understanding the core problem that it comes from.
  • Why fighting against your limitations is the biggest roadblock, and what to do differently to succeed.

4. The Power of Sharing Your Story

  • Your story is the most valuable asset you have - Discover why.
  • How my story has given be success and clarity, and how you can do the same thing. 
  • How to overcome the crippling feeling of anxiety and shame, and what to do instead to feel proud of sharing your story and work.

5. How to Discover Your Story

  • Why your personal transformations are key to an attractive and persuasive story.
  • How to make your story attractive and persuasive to attract loyal and excited clients and customers.
  • Discover a proven blueprint I used to present my story to scale my business and increase confidence.

6. Crafting Your Expertise Statement & Establishing Yourself

  • What is an expertise statement, and why is it the number one thing that will make you stand out from the crowd.
  • How to create your own expertise statement and gain lost confidence.
  • How to use your own expertise statement to make money and become an authority in your field.

7. Take Action & Reduce Overwhelm

  • Why the perfectionist syndrome is the number one thing that makes talented creatives fail miserably and what to do instead.
  • How to save your money, time, and mental energy by discovering the unnecessary things in progress that you need to cut through my proven and actionable exercises.

8. Investing in Yourself

  • How your workspace negatively affects your creativity and how creative experts like me design it.
  • Discover the gap between who you are now and who you want to become.
  • Learn self-care correctly and set boundaries to get unstuck from repeating pains.

9. Committing to a Plan

  • I will teach you how to become ultra clear on what you want to achieve even though you might be indecisive.
  • Learn why shifting your internal dialogue is the most essential thing in your business and life in general.
  • Learn how to shift your internal dialogue to achieve things you previously thought were impossible.

10. Healing & Leveraging Social Skills

  • Learn how to improve your skills, even if you’re an anxious introvert like me.
  • Discover what social skills you need to succeed in your artistic industry.
  • Discover the top 3 things you need to improve socially to make your business profitable.

11. Finding Your Power People

  • How to curate your environment for long-term wins.
  • Why you have to stop trying to grow alone immediately and have an actionable plan.
  • Discover the best offer specifically for your industry through the tools my students and I previously and successfully used.

12. Setting You Up for Success

  • Congrats! You’re ready to fly!
  • You will learn how to deepen your understanding by using the remaining content of this membership that follows up with advanced lessons on everything we previously covered.
  • This content will serve you as a sharpener to the rock-solid foundation you’ve built up in this 12-step process.
Join Today!

Glowing✨ Testimonials

And The Clarity Path is Just The Beginning

The Membership Unlocks Your Support System for Success!

🔥 An ongoing video series about business 

🔥 An ongoing video series about mental health 

🔥A masterclass about unlocking creative fearlessness

🔥A masterclass about reducing stress and increasing success

🔥A masterclass about branding & business

🔥A bi-weekly mental health support group

🔥An accountability virtual office to get work done every week

“Working with Sarah has done more for me than years of therapy."

Bridgette Clarity Club Member's & Creative Catalyst Academy Client's

The Creative Clarity Club Is For You If...


You want to live your dreams through your passion but don’t know where to start

You’ve had enough of inner struggles and are ready to heal your own inner self

You want to feel a deep sense of involvement from putting your creative dreams on canvas

You’re looking to save a lot of time and learn all the technical business knowledge

You’re ready to unleash your most creative ideas

You’re paralyzed by intrusive thoughts & perfectionism

You want to increase your confidence to pursue new connections

You’re looking for a supportive and accepting community of like-minded creatives

A Few More ✨Glowing✨ Testimonials

Here’s What You’ll Get By Becoming The Member Of Creative Clarity Club

  • The Clarity Path: 12-Steps to Create a Foundation for Entrepreneurial Success - $997 Value

  • Bi-Weekly Mental Health Support Group - $400 Value

  • Mental Health And Confidence Masterclass - $200 Value

  • Business Babes Class Series - $200 Value
  • Power Of Storytelling Masterclass - $149 Value
  • Being Creatively Fearless Masterclass - $149 Value
  • 4-Day Creative Reset Masterclass - $100 Value
  • 7 Networking Threads - $200 Value
  • Weekly Working Girlies Virtual Workspace - $29 Value

The Value Of The Creative Clarity Club Membership Is $2,424...

When I saw how many creatives needed help I wanted to ensure that nobody would ever go through the same pain I did...

This is why you won’t pay, $2,000 or even $500

Because I decided to retail Creative Clarity Club Membership for only $100 a month...

But if you enroll today, you’ll pay even less than that!

I’ll give you an additional limited-time $71 discount as my way of encouraging
you to trust the process and start moving your life in the right direction as soon as possible. 

This means you will pay only $29 a month forever! 💸

When our price goes up, your subscription stays the same!

AND if you commit to the annual plan, you get 2 months free ($290.00)!

But keep in mind that this limited-time discount ends soon and the price will go up in cost. 

Join The Club Now!

When Our Limited-Time $29.00 per/month Offer Ends! 

Or $290.00 Annually (to get 2 months free)!

Become a Queen Today!









Get to Know a Few of Our Creative Queens!

We held a creative panel so you could get to know some of the fantastic creatives in The Creative Clarity Club!

All of these queens are a part of The Creative Catalyst Academy, our exclusive sixteen-week program, and are also core members of The Clarity Club!


EVEN MORE ✨GlowingTestimonials 👑